Q: Why should I join the VFW?
A: Camaraderie, support, and benefits you can't afford to miss!
The VFW offers its members a variety of perks, including:
- Free one-on-one VA claims assistance
- Connections and a networking system that can help you find employment, make powerful new contacts and receive access to VFW online networks
- Discounts on merchandise and services like insurance, computers, cell phones, prescriptions, travel and more
- Countless opportunities to continue serving your country and comrades
Q: Can women join the VFW? Is there an age limit?
A: Did you know?
The VFW is a place for female and male veterans of all ages, branches and conflicts. Active Duty, Reserves/Guard, veteran or retired - we're here for all VETRANS.
Q: Who do I contact to fill out an application?
A: You can contact your local post for an application. Trouble finding the post you need? You can use the Post Locator from the National website (https://www.vfw.org/find-a-post) to locate the post nearest you. Still having trouble? Contact us and we will put you in touch.